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Social & Emotional Learning

At CSS, we celebrate social and emotional learning and growth, and are constantly in search of new and creative ways to teach our students to view themselves and life beyond academics.

Social and Emotional literacy is defined as one’s attitudes (about), knowledge (of) and expertise (in applying) five key emotional skills:

  1. Recognizing
  2. Understanding
  3. Labeling
  4. Expressing
  5. Regulating

The following CSS programs are designed to promote social and emotional learning among students:

  • Advisory program
  • Wellness program
  • Mission-centered Seminars (Integrity/Ethics)
  • Service Learning

Through small class sizes, Seminars, and Middle and Upper School advisory programs, faculty help students develop their social and emotional skills in an environment where students can work in partnership with others toward a mutual goal.

Social & Emotional Literacy

In the Lower School division, we recognize the value of individualized attention and strive to create a nurturing environment for all learners regardless of their age. CSS aims to educate the whole child through the utilization of Yale University’s RULER program Mood Meter – a tool to help students gain experience expressing their emotions as a means of facilitating RULER goals (recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing and regulating their emotions) – circle groups, and components of the Responsive Classroom model. The end result: our students learn to express their feelings to others in healthy and meaningful ways and to treat individuals with respect as they transition through CSS.