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Parents Association

All CSS parents and guardians are welcome and invited to join the Parents Association

About the Parents Association

The purpose of the Parents Association is to promote a spirit of community through relationship-building events and activities, to provide opportunities for parents and families to gather and volunteer, and to hold fundraisers wherein proceeds benefit the students of The Colorado Springs School. The Parents Association functions as an auxiliary organization of the CSS Board of Trustees.

Parents Association Board Members

2024-2025 Executive Representatives
Lynn Shepherd P’26, P’30, P’33, President
Patsy Hollenbeck P'35, Vice President
Jennifer McAdams P'27, P'35, Treasurer
Kristin Granado P'31, P'32, P'34, Secretary

Parents Association Committees

Committee Name Committee Member(s)
Ice Cream Social (August)
Catie Thomas P'29 & Abby Lindeman P'38
Parent Welcome Coffee (August)
Pamella Dickey P'36, Rosemary Kramer P'32, P'35 & Jennifer McAdams P'27, P'35
Carnival (September)
Lynn Shepherd P’26, P’30, P’33, Wendy Woodbury P’31 & Rosemary Kramer P'32, P'35
Carnival T-Shirt Sales
Pamella Dickey P'36
Parent Mixers (September-October)
Patsy Hollenbeck P'35
Faculty/Staff Appreciation
Lauren Paniza Gallagher P'35, Chair, & Jennifer McAdams P'27, P'35, Co-Chair
Community Outreach Team
Wendy Woodbury P’31
Social Events
Community Service
Seasonal Fundraising: CSA Program, Fall 2024; Turkey Fundraiser, November; Garage Sale, Spring 2024; and Mother's Day Flower Sale, May
Kristin Granado P'31, P'32, P'34 & Karin Ellis P'31, P'33
Volunteer Coordinator
Event Support: Public Relations
Technology & Communications

Event Descriptions

Upper School Book Swap (August)
Ice Cream Social (August)
Welcome Coffee (August)
Carnival (September)
Parent Mixers (September-October)
Faculty/Staff Appreciation
Garage Sale or Gear Swap (April 2024)*
Community Outreach Team
Elections & Volunteer Coordinator
Event Support: Public Relations
Farm Share Program

Upper School Book Swap (August)

Upper School families are encouraged to bring one, or bring all, used textbooks to the Parents Association's annual Upper School book swap held each summer just prior to the start of the new academic year.

Ice Cream Social (August)

An annual CSS tradition, families, students and teachers enjoy connecting over a tasty frozen treat.

Welcome Coffee (August)

Parents are encouraged to drop in for a cup of joe and delectable breakfast items as students head to class.

Carnival (September)

This not-to-be-missed community event involves dozens of parent and faculty volunteers who set up, tear down and run booths, supervise older students running booths, distribute prizes, cook, bake and serve food, and more. Carnival provides an opportunity for the entire CSS community to enjoy a fun afternoon while socializing and raising money for their respective classes. The CSS Parents Association underwrites the cost of the Carnival and all funds raised by class booths are given to each School division to be spent on classroom or other needs, including parties with music and Walkabout (Middle School), Winter Carnival, Prom, Upper School clubs, and more.

Learn about Sponsoring Carnival

Carnival Frequently Asked Questions

Parent Mixers (September-October)

One of the school’s most important “friend-raising” venues – formerly known as potluck dinners – Parent Mixers give Lower School, Middle School and Upper School parents the opportunity to meet, welcome, and/or reconnect with parents of the other children in their child’s class. Parent volunteers host a mixer (e.g. dinner, brunch, dessert bar, etc.) in their home for parents in the class. Each gathering usually lasts around two hours. The Parents Association Board will provide guidance and help with date selection, class lists and invitation preparation. The meal can be formal, casual, structured or not. Some hosts select a theme in which everyone brings a related dish. Other hosts have a heavy appetizer or dessert evening with everyone bringing their favorite meals. Sometimes two or more families work together to plan and host the Mixer. There have even been hosts who have provided the entire meal. Regardless of the menu or location (in prior years, one group went bowling), the purpose is to provide a venue for parents to meet and get to know one another. If connecting with other parents in your child’s class is important to you, please consider hosting a Mixer.

Faculty/Staff Appreciation

The committee plans and hosts appreciation luncheons and/or events for faculty and staff members. Volunteers set up, decorate, serve beverages, bus tables, orchestrate appreciation gifts, and clean up. Homemade desserts provided by volunteers are a main highlight. If baking is your thing, you know of a great bakery, or you can create a beautiful fruit tray, check out this committee!

Garage Sale or Gear Swap (April 2024)*

The Parents Association hosts a spring community garage sale in the Field House or Gear Swap on the Quad. CSS families donate items such as clothing, sporting equipment and outdoor gear. These items are then sorted, displayed by the Parents Association and sold during a massive sale.

*The Garage Sale is typically held every other year to encourage quality and sellable items.

Community Outreach Team

When families experience a challenging time, The Parents Association reaches out to lend a helping hand.

Elections & Volunteer Coordinator

Recruited talents and energetic parents and grandparents share their gifts with the School community via meaningful volunteer experiences.

Event Support: Public Relations

Work with the Offices of Marketing & Communications to execute the details of Parents Association events or initiatives.

Farm Share Program

The Parents Association partners with local farms throughout the school year to host fundraisers, including selling Thanksgiving turkeys, Mother's Day flowers, and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares. Purchase HERE 2024-25