Upper School Thespians on Fire in "Fahrenheit 451"
Congratulations to the Upper School cast and crew of Fahrenheit 451 for two wonderful shows on Nov. 17 and 18, 2023, in the Louisa Performing Arts Ce…
Students Shine in Annual Revue Talent Show
Students from 4th through 12th grade showcased their talent through skits, songs, and more at the annual Revue. This year's theme was Broadway and En…
Class of 2023 Explores Careers and Interests through Capstone Projects
Kaylee Barker '23 had been considering the pursuit of a career as a physical therapist specializing in sports medicine, but wondered whether it would…
Students & Faculty Honored at Upper School Awards Ceremony
On Friday, May 19, 2023, parents, faculty, and students celebrated several distinguished individuals during the Upper School's annual Awards Ceremony…
Upper School Thespians Shine in "Little Shop of Horrors"
Congratulations to the cast and crew for the Upper School Spring production of Little Shop of Horrors! The musical made its return to The Colorado Sp…
National Honor Society Inducts 15 Members
The Ursa Major chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) formally inducted 15 members, introduced the new council, and recognized three members wit…
Twelfth Grader Named National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Nathan G. ’23, a student at The Colorado Springs School since the 6th grade, has been named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist. Of the 1.5 millio…
CSS Veterans Day Ceremony Honors Active and Retired Service Members
Today, November 11, 2022, The Colorado Springs School community honored Veterans Day with an all-school assembly that included parents and grandparen…
Annual Revue Embraces 1960s While Showcasing Talents of Students, Faculty & Staff
In honor of CSS's 60th anniversary, student and faculty performers embracing the 1960s took to the Louisa Performing Arts Center Stage on Friday, Oct…