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Moorhead, Brent

Instrumental Music, Band Teacher


Moorhead, Brent

Instrumental Music, Band Teacher

M.A., Music Education, Youngstown State University

B.A., Music Education, Youngstown State University

What is your role at CSS? I am the Instrumental Music teacher and Band Director for grades 4-12. I also teach Upper School Music Theory, direct the Pep Band, and coach the Upper School Garage Band, Holiday Winds, and various other small ensembles.

What is one thing you’ve learned from students? I’ve learned that goosebump moments aren’t restricted to professional recordings, performances, or paintings. Our CSS musicians, actors, and artists create some incredible moments that touch my heart and inspire me to be better at what I do. Our students create moments that will raise the hair on your arms, cause you to believe that they actually are the character they are portraying, or help you to experience colors (or other visuals) in a whole new way.

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have? I am a HUGE fan of the superheroes that have gadgets like Batman or the Green Arrow. Give me a utility belt full of cool devices or some arrows with a sweet bow, then add a neat costume, and I would be good to go! If I had to choose a superpower, I would love to have Spiderman’s ability to stick to things, paired with his super strength!

What is one thing you enjoy about CSS? I love how we think outside of the box and encourage risk-taking while exploring the possibilities of experiential education within every discipline.

What did you want to be growing up? I don’t know that I ever decided that I officially wanted to be a cowboy or the character from a favorite TV show - although I’m sure there are pictures and stories somewhere that suggest otherwise - but I always did want to follow my mom and dad around and learn how to do things that interested them. At one time my dad was a carpenter, and I would build things in the garage using his tools and scraps of wood. I would also go out on jobs and help him paint or do various other tasks. I did the same with my mom, following her around the kitchen and wanting to help her bake or visiting her at work when she was an RN in the ICU at the hospital. I wanted to be like them!

What is a favorite memory at CSS? I met my wife, Stacy, at the school, and we worked together for several years, so getting married at CSS was an amazing experience. The ceremony was outside on the Terrace of the Trianon in late October 2014. It was a beautiful 80-degree day with Colorado blue skies and the fall colors all around us. I remember looking over near the entrance to the gym and seeing two of my Upper School Band students watching our ceremony. There were regional volleyball games going on in the Field House that weekend, so our girls’ team ran out to give us hugs in-between games. I also remember a team from another school sitting under a tree on the quad, and cheering for us when the pastor finally said “you may now kiss the bride.” Such a magical moment at CSS!

Moulton, Jim

Upper School History Teacher


Moulton, Jim

Upper School History Teacher

Ph.D., History, University of Denver

M.A., History, University of Arkansas

B.A., Political Science and History, University of Arkansas

Murray, Deedle

Academic Interventionist


Murray, Deedle

Academic Interventionist

BS, Biopsychology & Minor in English, University of California, Davis

What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I was a member of the Pikes Peak Derby Dames (now known as Pikes Peak Roller Derby). I was mainly a referee, but I have my own trading card!

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

Universal Sentient Being Transfiguration. I could become a powerful raptor and enjoy the freedom of flight one moment, then perhaps turn into an octopus to explore the ocean depths, convert to a cheetah and outrun everything, and then transform back into myself at some point. This way, I can experience all the wonders of the animal kingdom first-hand!

What is one thing you've learned from students?

There appears to be more pressure to be busy than to have a balance, and students have taught me to not feel guilty if I'm not always being productive. It's ok to slow down, savor, observe, evolve, and grow at your own pace, so there's no need to compare or compete with anyone but yourself. Years ago, I was a Scholastic rep and I love that they altered the term "reluctant reader" to "dormant reader," because you never know when that spark will occur to light a passion, regardless of age, subject, or any other category.

What did you want to be growing up?

A boss or a Jedi. Haha. I frequently wanted to play "business" and my younger sister would be my secretary (or we'd play "hospital" and she was the nurse to my doctor or I'd be the pilot and she'd be the co-pilot). I'm sensing a theme here.

What draws you to working with students?

I draw on their energy, which in turn fires up my passion, which in turn powers up their enthusiasm, which ultimately makes learning more fun and dynamic. There's never a dull moment and I find myself gravitating to students because of their insatiable curiosity. I see so much potential everywhere I look.

What is one thing you enjoy about CSS?
There are so many unique and profound things that make CSS special, but if I had to pick just one, I'd say I'm in awe of all the innovation...from the revolutionary teaching techniques by my amazing colleagues to the creative solutions many students devise. I witnessed a phenomenal math teacher produce a fraction/percent/decimal lesson via a fun game and later that same day, I see a fabulous science teacher helping students put their glacier models in a freezer. This experiential learning makes a massive difference when it comes to retaining information and I'm here for it!

What is your favorite spot in the world?
It used to be Waldo Canyon until the fire; best hike ever! Now, I'd say pretty much anywhere with my two boys. They are fun and easy travel companions; our last big trip was to the Big Island of Hawai'i for my younger son's 16th birthday in 2022, so we're due for another adventure. I do love to travel and have been to 49 of the 50 states (North Dakota eludes me) & about a dozen countries, so I do see a lot more exploring in the future. We're all about to become SCUBA certified and my younger son will be on an international tour with the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony to Australia and New Zealand (followed by a vacation in Japan); my older son and I may just have to join him. I will say that NYC makes me feel alive!

Bio: Deedle has an eclectic background ranging from working in residential treatment facilities for traumatized adolescents to entrepreneurial endeavors to public schools. Born and raised in Northern California, she moved to the Atlanta area from 1993-1998, where she fell in love with veterinary medicine. After moving to Colorado Springs in 1998, she purchased, owned, and operated Colorado Avenue Veterinary Hospital (which is now Cerberus Brewing Company) until she started her family. She then started, owned, and operated her art-and-play-based preschool until her two sons were in Kindergarten, at which time she began working in CMSD12 as a math interventionist and librarian. Deedle also holds a Paralegal Certificate from Pikes Peak State College (& is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society) and is the President of the Cheyenne Mountain Music Association.

Other roles Deedle has engaged in include robotics team head coach who went to the state championship five years in a row (with two state championship trophies made of LEGOs), Battle of the Books coach, high school speech and debate/forensics team adjudicator, Science Olympiad/Math Olympiad coach, Chess Club coach, and chair of five vastly different boards. When Deedle isn't working or traveling, you can find her hiking with her two sons and dog (Luna), snuggling up with a good book while surrounded by her three cats (Gingy, Yam, and Tofu), or caring for her backyard chickens at her house in Cheyenne Canyon. She is a huge animal lover and bibliophile who also adores 80s alternative music, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and just about any game or toy you can imagine. Basically, she's a kid at heart.

Namnoum, Cassie

1st Grade Teacher


Namnoum, Cassie

1st Grade Teacher

Colorado Teaching License Certification, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Masters in Coaching Education, Ohio University

B.A., Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Newbrough, Marie

Director of Communications & Marketing


Newbrough, Marie

Director of Communications & Marketing

B.S., Administration, Niagara University

Odierno, Serena

Director of Early Childhood & PreKindergarten Teacher


Odierno, Serena

Director of Early Childhood & PreKindergarten Teacher

M.A., Early Childhood Education, New York University

B.A., Communication, George Washington University

What would people be surprised to learn about you? I have an identical twin sister.

What is your favorite spot in the world?
Kauai, Hawaii because I lived there for two years.

Serena has worked as a preschool teacher for more than 20 years in New York City and in Colorado Springs. She is thrilled to bring her experience as a Preschool Director to CSS and continue her passion for teaching.

Palmer, Rebecca

Lower School Art Teacher


Payne, Misty

Learning Support Coordinator


Payne, Misty

Learning Support Coordinator

B.A., English with a Minor in Secondary Education, Texas Woman’s University

Playe, Erik

College & Career Counselor


Playe, Erik

College & Career Counselor

M.A., Liberal Studies, Wesleyan University

B.A., English, Saint Michael's College

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have and why?
I would be able to ripen an avocado just by touching it. I would even be able to bring avocados back from being overripe by touching them. I could make a dent in world hunger this way and also make guacamole at any moment.

What is one thing you've learned from students?

Patience...maybe. I am still working on it.

What did you want to be growing up?

A Jedi and a waterskier.

What draws you to working with students?

Their energy and never wondering if I am doing something meaningful.

What is one thing you enjoy about CSS and why?

I love that we are the Kodiaks. I have been a Wildcat, a Purple Knight, a Winged Beaver, a Cardinal, a Sun Devil, a Hawk and a Warrior, and now I am happy to be a Kodiak.

What is your favorite spot in the world and why?

Pagosa Springs, CO. My wife, Kelly, and I have a piece of property in Pagosa where we camp. It's our happy place.

Erik was born and raised in Northampton, MA, where he graduated from the Williston Northampton School. He attended St. Michael’s College in Vermont, where he majored in English Literature and minored in Spanish. He earned a master’s degree in Liberal Studies, with a focus in Humanities, from Wesleyan University in Connecticut. For the past 13 years, he has been teaching English and/or has served as a college counselor at three U.S. independent schools and at an international school in South America. He served, most recently, as Director of College Counseling, Academic Dean, and Softball Coach for a boarding school in Arizona. Erik and his wife, Kelly, are excited to be moving to Colorado Springs. Kelly is a horticulturist, who is starting her own business in resilient landscape design. Kelly and Erik enjoy hiking, snowshoeing, biking, gardening, and birding together. Erik loves teaching and working with high school students. He hopes there will be no livelier place on campus than his college counseling office, and is excited to share his enthusiasm with students and families at The Colorado Springs School.

Pratt, Rachel

Lower School Creative Dramatics and Middle School Drama Teacher


Pratt, Rachel

Lower School Creative Dramatics and Middle School Drama Teacher

B.A., Music Theatre, Colorado Mesa University

Reynolds, Kaja

Visual Arts Teacher


Reynolds, Kaja

Visual Arts Teacher

M.A., Instruction and Curriculum, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

B.F.A., Ceramic Art, University of Washington, Seattle

B.A., Anthropology, Bates College

What is your role at CSS? I am the Visual Arts teacher for grades 3-12. I teach a variety of Art electives in the Upper School such as Ceramics, Jewelry-Making, Printmaking, Video Production, and Digital Photography.

What is one of your favorite memories at CSS? One favorite memory is when guiding a student in class they said, “Mrs. Reynolds, you are like a magician - you are amazing!”

What did you want to be growing up? I wanted to be two things: a musician and an artist. I wasn’t sure what kind of artist, but I wanted to become famous for my art! I played the cello when young, and I wanted to learn how to play the guitar and sing so I could be in a band.

What draws you to teaching? I grew up with a Mom as an artist and a Dad as an architect. We often went to museums, and I would think about how I could share my love of art with others. In addition to creating my own artwork, teaching became a rewarding way to share my love of art with young people. I get incredible joy from creating, making, discovering, and exploring different mediums of art, and I wanted to share that passion with students.

What would people be surprised to learn about you? They might be surprised to know that I created my own business, called Mountain Clayworks, where I was a professional potter for 12 years, making and selling my work locally at Commonwheel Artist Co-op in Manitou Springs, as well as making special orders for people such as dinnerware sets, mug sets, etc. Two years ago, I created another business called Colorado Karma Jewelry by Kaja, where I make beaded, leather, and forged copper jewelry, such as earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. I sell my jewelry locally at a wonderful Artists Cooperative called EclecticCO, located in downtown Colorado Springs.

Romero, Anastasia

School Counselor


Romero, Anastasia

School Counselor

MA, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Colorado Christian University

BS, Psychology, Colorado Christian University

What would people be surprised to learn about you?
One thing most people are surprised to learn about me is that I am adopted.

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

I would want powers to slow down time to give not only myself and my family more time together, but everyone time to just be themselves without the time crunches of the fast-paced world we live in.

What did you want to be growing up?

When I was little, I always wanted to be Cinderella, but as I grew up I always wanted to just be able to help others. This is what drew me into the mental health field.

What is your favorite spot in the world?

Anywhere with my wonderful family: my husband and 2 girls.

Anastasia is the CSS School Counselor as well as the owner of Watchful Dove Counseling PLLC. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate and National Certified Counselor. She obtained her Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Colorado Christian University. Anastasia also obtained her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Colorado Christian University. Anastasia is a Colorado native and Colorado Avalanche fan. She enjoys the beauty Colorado has to offer through walking and spending time in local parks with her family.