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Tall Ships ECS | Cannonball to Bathe

March 12, 2019

Tall Ships ECS

After a week of preparation and a whole day of traveling, we finally boarded the Roseway. When we first arrived at the dock, the crew welcomed us with tape and sharpies for makeshift name tags. After some activities and jumping around on solid ground, we got on board, the tour was quick, loading was quicker, and before we knew what had happened we had hoisted the sails and were leaving St. Croix.

The day was a blur of new information. We were taught about procedures of sailing a boat, as well as tying down and identifying lines. We met everyone from the wonderful cook, Nick, to the stoic captain, fun-loving Claire and all our other shipmates.

After anchoring for the day, everyone decided they needed a bath. So, we all jumped into the ocean. First, we all thought Ms. Hedden had been joking when she’d told us how we’d be getting clean. Everyone enjoyed the fact that we got to cannonball off of a ship to wash.

We ended the first day tired but joyful. We look forward to the coming days on the Roseway, and growing from this trip.

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Tall Ships ECS