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Espana ECS | Sleeping Toledo

March 08, 2020

The view looking down on Toledo.

¡Toledo! Toledo is an ancient sleeping creature in the southern mountains of Spain. Well, in reality, it’s not sleeping; you can’t say that after seeing a parade of women (including many drums) going down the skinny, cobblestone streets.

Our first view of Toledo was from outside it, looking down on the sprawling city. The view was incredible. It was easy to imagine the many Jew and Muslims who first saw the city as we did after long journeys many years ago.

Upon entering, Toledo instantly felt very different from Madrid. While Madrid feels like any city, Toledo is a treasure to behold. There is not a single paved street; the cobblestones add to the architecture of the city. Furthermore, the hills on which Toledo is built make the city feel small and close, but of course, the tiny streets (that cars go down nonetheless) could be attributed to the cozy feel.

In the streets, we heard before we witnessed a parade for the International Day of Women. As we approached the parade (and it approached us), the sound of drums shook our bones. It seemed as though the whole city was on its feet.

The streets of Toledo.

For a stop along the way to the main square, we visited Toledo, Ohio, the street, and our guide told us we had now been in Spain and Ohio at the same time.

From our day in the marvelous Toledo, we learned a lot about the influence of the Moors in Spain from the buildings around us. The picturesque city was a wonderful stop on our way to meet our homestay families for the next 6 days.

We look forward to the adventures in the days to come, and until we return, hasta tarde.

At the end of our day.

Click here to view all of the 2020 ECS blogs.

The view looking down on Toledo.
The streets of Toledo.
At the end of our day.