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Fuller, Emily

Middle Science & Physical Education Teacher


Fuller, Emily

Middle Science & Physical Education Teacher

BA, Earth & Oceanographic Science; Minor in Mathematics, Bowdoin College

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have and why?
I would be able to function normally with one to two hours of sleep. There is always too much I want to do every day!

What is your favorite memory at CSS?

The Lower School's Halloween parade this year was so much fun. Special shout-out to whoever dressed up as a lobster. You rocked it!

What did you want to be growing up?

A primatologist (aka Jane Goodall)

What is your favorite spot in the world?
The bottom of the Grand Canyon! I've had the chance to raft through it in 2021 and 2022, and I can confirm it is pretty amazing down there!

Emily received her BA in Earth and Oceanographic Sciences from Bowdoin College where she also studied mathematics and environmental studies. During her time at Bowdoin, she played varsity lacrosse, led the Christian Student's Association, and worked for the college library, math department, and athletic department. Working four summers at Noah's Ark Whitewater in Buena Vista, CO, she is also an experienced rafting, rock climbing, and backpacking guide. Emily's passions outside of school include growing her own food, spending time in the outdoors, reading as much non-fiction as possible, and swimming in cold water.

Gates, Michelle

4th Grade Teacher


Gillon, Josh

Department Chair (Math), Upper School History & Mathematics Teacher


Gillon, Josh

Department Chair (Math), Upper School History & Mathematics Teacher

Ph.D., Philosophy, Princeton University

B.A., Philosophy and Classical Studies, Brigham Young University

What is your role at CSS? I’m an Upper School Math and History Teacher. I teach statistics, AP statistics, discrete math, world history, micro- and macroeconomics, and AP micro- and macroeconomics. I’m also an advisor, the sponsor of the chess club, the coach of the High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling Team (HiMCM), and a sponsor of the Class of 2022.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?
My favorite kind of music is 60s pop. And I don’t mean the Beatles or the Stones or anything the students might have heard of. I mean Jay and the Americans, the Turtles, Coven, Pebbles and Bam Bam, Ricky Nelson, the Toys, the Archies, Edison Lighthouse, Tommy James and Shondells, Dion, Otis Redding, the Velvet Underground, etc. I go hard.

What did you want to be growing up?
What didn’t I want to be? A paleontologist, an aeronautical engineer, an Olympic swimmer, a theoretical physicist, and a studio musician are the things that stand out most. These days I can’t figure out why anyone wants to be anything other than happy.

What draws you to working with students?
They’re smarter, more curious, more active, more motivated, and kinder than almost all of the adults I know.

Goldberg, Caren

Assistant Director of Lower & Middle School


Goldberg, Caren

Assistant Director of Lower & Middle School

M.S., Childhood Education, The City University of New York - CUNY Hunter

B.A., English, The State University of New York - SUNY New Paltz

What is your role at CSS? I am a first grade teacher.

What is one thing you’ve learned from students? I’ve learned tons of things from my students, but the most important thing is to slow down and listen. Kids have great ideas and think in ways adults rarely consider, so there’s a lot you can learn from them if you do.

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have? I would have super speed. That way, I’d be able to work with my first graders even more each day!

What did you want to be growing up? I wanted to be a first grade teacher. I got very lucky!

What is one thing you enjoy about CSS? I love the way CSS encourages students and teachers alike to reach for their potential. CSS opens countless opportunities for people to try new things and explore the world around them.

Hannum, Holly

Business Associate


Hannum, Holly

Business Associate

BS, History, Univeristy of Southern Indiana

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have? I would want my superpower to be the ability to move things with my mind.

What is one thing you enjoy about CSS? One thing I enjoy about CSS is I get to spend my day with the best kids on the planet. They brighten my day with their enthusiasm, energy, joy, and giggles.

What draws you to working with children? I am drawn to working with kids because it’s always an adventure. Every day brings new rewards and new challenges. The kids are excited to take on the day, and it’s contagious. (And they don’t think my dinosaur obsession is weird.)

Hanson, Natalie

Department Chair (Science), Upper School Science Teacher


Hanson, Natalie

Department Chair (Science), Upper School Science Teacher

M.S., Biology, American University

B.A., Environmental Studies and Biology, Concordia College, Moorhead

What is a favorite memory at CSS? Taking my Anatomy & Physiology students to Peak Institute for Anatomical Research to observe human cadavers.

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have? The power to teleport anywhere in the world. I would visit all the beautiful places and wonderful people in the world I long to see, not to mention cutting my commute time to zero, but it would be much more eco-friendly than air travel!

What did you want to be growing up? A park ranger.

What draws you to teaching? The challenge and creativity required to work with so many different types of personalities and learning styles, and the joy of helping people discover and understand their world.

What is one thing you enjoy about CSS? Small class sizes and the ability to innovate and create engaging experiences for the students.

What is your favorite spot in the world? Colorado Springs!!! I’m so happy to have moved here four years ago.

Henson, Lisa

2nd Grade Teacher


Henson, Lisa

2nd Grade Teacher

M.Ed., Early Childhood Education, Furman University

B.A., Elementary Education, Furman University

What would people be surprised to learn about you? Colorado Springs is my hometown! I have been away since I went to college in South Carolina, which feels like forever ago. Colorado Springs has changed so much since I've been gone and am happy to be back!

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have and why?
I would want to be in two places at once. There is so much to do in a day at school and at home that it would be amazing to be able to do both at the same time!

What did you want to be growing up?
I have always wanted to be a teacher and truly feel like it is my calling. I feel so much purpose doing what I am meant to do!

What draws you to working with students?
I love building relationships with my students as well as their families. Becoming a mom has emphasized for me how much trust parents are putting in me each day to make decisions that are in the best interest of their children. It is so rewarding to watch students grow throughout the school year because of the work we have done together!

What is your favorite spot in the world?
Sitting on the beach at Kiawah Island, S.C., is my "happy place!" I feel relaxed and in awe of nature in the gorgeous scenery.

Lisa has been an educator for more than 10 years and truly feels education is her calling. She has previously taught Kindergarten and 2nd Grade in a public school district. In 2016, she was awarded the Distinguished Teacher of Reading by a local chapter of the International Reading Association. Lisa also participated in Clemson’s Writing Project summer institute as a teacher consultant. Teaching children to read and write truly is her joy, and she has a passion for reading and writing workshops. She is excited to continue her journey as an educator at CSS!

Hillman, David

Upper School History Teacher


Hillman, David

Upper School History Teacher

J.D., University of St. Thomas School of Law

B.A., History, Gordon College

What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I'm a beekeeper. My girls and I refurbished a hive during COVID and now our colony of bees has been thriving for three years.

What is your favorite spot in the world and why?
The international arrivals terminal at Charles de Gaulle Airport. There is no greater confluence of human happiness in the world.

Hinkle, Doug

5th Grade Teacher


Hocate, Melissa

Campus Health Coordinator


Hocate, Melissa

Campus Health Coordinator

B.S., Biology, with a Minor in Chemistry, Saint Edwards University

M.D., The University of Texas Health Science Center Medical School

Hocate, Pio

Interim Director of Athletics


Holman, Bronwyn

Director of Experiential Education & Auxiliary Programs


Holman, Bronwyn

Director of Experiential Education & Auxiliary Programs

B.M., Music Therapy & a minor in Psychology, Willamette University

M.Ed., Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Endorsement, University of Oregon

What would people be surprised to learn about you? I grew up on an island outside Seattle. I am a trained instructor of Infant Massage and Early Childhood Music (using the Music Together Curriculum).

What is one thing you’ve learned from students? I love the honesty, openness, and curiosity of the young learner, and I learn from them every day how to be a better, more empathetic, and authentic human being.

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have? Flying, for sure, and helping people see the good in other people.

What did you want to be growing up? A veterinarian. I love animals!

What draws you to teaching? My love of kids!

What is your favorite spot in the world? I enjoy being on the water, perhaps because I grew up on an island. Pretty much anywhere I can sit and look out over water is where I want to be.

What is one thing you enjoy about CSS? The community! My children have been in all divisions at the school, and I love how the interactions between age groups encourage a strong community. I also appreciate that the size of our school makes it so that every child is known on campus, even by folks who are not their current teachers. It creates a sense of safety as children move through the grades.