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Tall Ships ECS | Yet Another Life-Changing ECS

March 21, 2019
Tall Ships ECS
As the sun rose on St. Croix, our crew of CSS students set sail for the last time. Over the last 10 days, we’ve seen each other burnt from the sun and groggy from waking up at all hours of the night for our anchor watches. After mooring at Christiansted harbor and eating a delicious pizza lunch, we sang a goodbye shanty named “Leave her Johnny” in true Roseway fashion. The farewells were a bittersweet affair. We were - and for the most part still are - exhausted from our sailing adventure. We all had something back home we missed dearly and were ready to return to - be it family, pets, freshwater showers, or IHOP. Despite our longing for the comforts of home, we were still incredibly sorrowed to be leaving behind an amazing ship and Roseway’s wonderful crew. Goodbyes were said and off we went in taxi vans, airport bound. We returned with memories of exploring beyond our comfort zones and unparalleled experience from this amazing trip. And with the striking of our last sails, we fly home to end yet another life-changing ECS.

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Tall Ships ECS