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Tall Ships ECS | Remembering

March 22, 2019

Tall Ships ECS

And it’s time for us to leave her,” goes Leave Her,J ohnny, the Roseway signature farewell song. Well…we left, and now it is time to remember — remember the ship, the people, the culture, the experiences, the hardship, the joy. For the next couple of days, we will be doing just that, preparing a presentation, video, and various other items to commemorate our ECS. The presentation team is hard at work preparing an informative presentation and entertaining video to share with the community. Our poster team is collecting photos, and soon they will begin working on a summary of our trip. We are writing thank yous to all we met on board, and we have a team working on a special auction item for those who want to reminisce for the coming years. We are preparing to meet again with our kindergarten buddies to share a few aspects of our trip. The work during these coming days is more than just sharing, however. It is also about remembering. We look forward to remembering with you all. Make sure to be there on April 16th to see it all unfold!

Join us as Upper School students share what they learned during their recent seminars:
Tuesday, April 16, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Louisa Performing Arts Center

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Tall Ships ECS