We woke up knowing it would be our last day here, and knowing this made it an emotional morning. We started the day with service. Many students went back to the Pueblo Day School to work with the kids in the kindergarten through 5th grade classrooms as well as play with them. As we arrived at the threshold of each classroom door, the kids faces lit up with joy and excitement. “They’re back!” shouted many of the kids. We made the most of our time with the kids, and some of us were even brought to tears when we had to leave these special kids. They will always hold a place in our hearts.
While some of us spent the morning at the day school, a few others went back to the lovely artist Patience. She gave us more tips on water coloring and helped us improve our paintings. We were really grateful to work with an artist with such a creative mind. She reemphasized with us multiple times that art is a time to be free and have no fear or regrets.
After a memorable morning, we were fortunate enough to go to the Taos pueblo village on a private tour. We had been afraid the whole trip that we wouldn’t be able to go into the pueblo, but with a few connections we were grateful for such a wonderful experience. We met with a man from the pueblo named Martin Martinez, and he told us about the living style in the pueblo village. We learned that all the houses in the village are individually owned, and the adobe must be remudded and repaired ever so often. The homes in the village have neither running water nor electricity, yet around 150 people of all ages still occupy these ancient homes. Martin also told us about several special events that take place in the village every year, including running races and holiday celebrations and dances. After this, we went to the Taos plaza for some last minute shopping before enjoying a lovely New Mexican dinner to celebrate our last night together here in Taos.
Overall, it was a very eventful day. We have learned so much here, and these memories will forever be with us. From meeting with various people, visiting many places, and just walking around the plaza, we have definitely felt and will miss the Taos vibe.
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