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Scandinavia ECS | Bridge to Lund and Host Families

March 12, 2017

Students are happy and excited in their homestays tonight! We had a great meet and greet at the school and then each student took the train or bus with our respective families to our homes. We start school on Monday!

On our last day in Copenhagen, we experienced the city on the canals. The day was as bright as the buildings of Nyhavn. Locals and travelers alike lined the walls of the canal to enjoy the sun. The buildings themselves were bright enough to compensate for days with gray weather when the locals felt dreary. In fact, many of the buildings are painted so colorfully and the streets are lined with so many lights to ward off the winter blues. While we were on the boat, we were able to enjoy the architecture and learn about the old fortifications along the water that the navy once used. Passing along the shoreline, we were able to see the back of the little mermaid sculpture and realized just how strongly H. C. Anderson’s works meant to the country, though he was anything but a people person in his own life. Still, there are numerous statues in his honor throughout the city. Today, we took the Øreson bridge to Lund to meet our host families.

The LBS Lund students, faculty, and parents greeted us with a warm welcome and a fika break, essentially a coffee break that is incredibly popular in Sweden and Denmark. We look forward to the days ahead in Lund and with our home stays.

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