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Marching Forward

March 12, 2021

As we reached the end of the second week of our ECS, we stayed on campus for our activities today. The first thing we did was watch a video on making a mask as therapy. After the video, we made our own mask to represent ourselves. The front of the mask was used to represent how other people see us. Then, the back of the mask represented how we saw ourselves as a person. Many students used bright colors to represent the front of the masks and used very dark colors such as dark blue or black to represent how they saw themselves. We also cut out words from magazines that also represented us, and we added those to our individual masks. Once we were done, we were asked to answer three questions: Describe inside and outside parts of the mask, how they are similar and different, How do the outside and inside aspects of you relate to each other? and What have you learned about yourself through this mask project? I thought this part was interesting because we had to think about why we chose the colors we chose. After the mask activity we were assigned an online scavenger hunt to fill out questions on culture and worldwide social problems and how art portrays and furthers awareness of and explores them. Then, after the scavenger hunt we were assigned a group and individual project about what we learned throughout this ECS and how it has changed our views about art therapy and how it can help us someday. Overall, today was very interesting because we had to think of what we think of ourselves and learn more about the various therapies in our own lives.