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Madagascar ECS | D.C. to Madagascar

March 08, 2019

Students at the private rooftop performance to welcome them to Madagascar.

Today started off different from most days. For me, I was in D.C. in the morning, then I watched a movie and slept for 12 hours on a plane. I woke up to a whole new day in a whole new place: Ethiopia. We got to go on another 5-hour plane ride to Madagascar.

In Madagascar we made our way through the airport, then finally got to step outside and feel the hot, humid air. Our “Dragons” guides, Micah and Sidonie, met up with the group and showed us to the bus that would take us to the hotel. Little did we know the Madagascar traffic would lengthen our journey from 30 minutes to two hours or so.

On the bus we got to see many housing areas, rice fields, animals, wetlands, and different people. The bus ride was definitely my favorite transportation of the journey so far. Once arriving at the hotel, a famous Malagasy artist, Lego, set up a rooftop performance to welcome us to Madagascar. We were also immediately welcomed be fresh fruit juice, which was definitely a highlight of the day. The private concert made me feel so welcomed in such a foreign place, so far away from home.

I think the private rooftop concert was one of a kind and was a great way to start off the journey. After the concert, announcements were made, dinner was eaten quickly, and then it was bedtime. We were all so exhausted after three long travel days. After driving through Madagascar and receiving such a warm welcome, I am very excited for the time we will be spending here.

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Students at the private rooftop performance to welcome them to Madagascar.