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Engage with Senior Capstones

November 09, 2017

Dear CSS community,

The 2017-2018 school year marks the inaugural year of the Senior Capstone project, a culminating, real-world, independent experience for seniors at The Colorado Springs School, and we need your help to make it soar!

Building blocks of signature programs and experiential education at CSS.

Building off the foundations of student inquiry and passion created in our Children’s School through thematic study and Colorado Expedition, in our Middle School through Seminars and Walkabout, and in our high school through Mission-Centered Seminars and Experience-Centered Seminars, Senior Capstone is an unprecedented opportunity for CSS seniors to:
  • Define and pursue their passions
  • Direct their own learning
  • Make connections in and contributions to the larger community
  • Gain experience for professional work including networking skills
  • Continue the CSS Experiential Education philosophy, but with more creativity, responsibility and independence than an ECS
  • Wrap up their high school education in a meaningful activity that they personally choose, arrange, and execute.
The Senior Capstone will:
  • Allow students time to conduct a project/internship that answers an essential question and requires high level thinking
  • Release seniors from non-Advanced Placement classes on May 1
  • Release seniors from Advanced Placement after their exams
  • Replace senior finals
  • Enhance college applications
  • Allow students to share their experiences at Senior Night
Alumni, past and current parents, and community members, though the Senior Capstone: will officially take place from May 1-23, 2018, our seniors need your help! Mentorship is central to our mission and to the Senior Capstone process. You can help our students learn more about professional work and the world beyond 21 Broadmoor Avenue.
  • Click here for information on the interests and projects of current CSS seniors.
  • Click here to learn more about being a local Community Capstone Mentor.
  • If you would like to share your passion and expertise with a current CSS senior, click here to complete a very brief survey and learn more about the range of possibilities of engaging with our future graduates!
My thanks for all you do to help CSS change students’ lives and send forth graduates who make the world a better place.

With appreciation and gratitude,

Aaron Schubach
Head of School

Building blocks of signature programs and experiential education at CSS.