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Children's School Students Explore State History Through Colorado Expedition

In May, students in PreKindergarten through 5th grade engaged in Colorado Expedition, which aims to deliver developmentally appropriate experiences that follow a predictable pattern of growth and change to immerse students in the academic curriculum in ways that stimulate enhanced thinking and learning. As students advance through each grade level, they explore a theme of study centered around the early cultures of Colorado State in conjunction with their classroom learning.

Below was this year's themes:
Exploring the CSS Campus
Animals of Colorado at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo & Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center, plus an overnight in the classroom
First Grade:
Colorado mammals and conservation, plus an overnight at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Second Grade:
Colorado Mining, plus an overnight at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp
Third Grade:
Westward Expansion at Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site, plus an overnight at La Junta
Fourth & Fifth Grades:
Ecology and geology of the Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve, plus two overnights

View a video of the 2022 COEX adventures across all grade levels.

COEX generates opportunities for students to explore grade-specific themes in a hands-on manner by making observations, asking questions, and investigating. Many of our place-based COEX lessons are further enriched by the implementation of overnight experiences during which students are nourished and encouraged to venture outside their comfort zones. From sleeping overnight in the classroom as Kindergarteners to spending the night hours away from home in 4th and 5th grade, Children's School students are transformed. This quest for childhood independence is fostered throughout students’ time in the Children’s School division and beyond and reinforces our commitment to helping them navigate and learn about the world around them. Over time, students develop self-care skills, respect for their natural environment, and empathy toward others.