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2020 e-Ceremonies and Celebrations

May 13, 2020

2020 e-Ceremonies and Celebrations

2020 e-Ceremonies and Celebrations at The Colorado Springs School

COVID-19 restrictions have challenged our community to think differently about the ways we will honor the traditions of our end-of-year ceremonies and celebrations, but we will still “come together” to witness all the accomplishments for which our students have worked so hard. Feel free to share your pictures and posts from home with us on social media with hashtags #CSSClassof2020, #CSSClassof2024, #CSSClassof2027, and #KodiakStrong.

We extend a warm invitation to all students, parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, friends, neighbors, and the new families who will join the Kodiak community in the fall to join us for any of our year-end ceremonies and celebrations. Families are encouraged to set a celebratory scene at home and dress-up to mark the milestone of these occasions.

5th Grade - Class of 2027Friday, May 15, 2020
7:00 p.m., Upper School Awards e-Assembly and Senior Art Show
*From Your Living Room via Google Hangouts Meet
Senior Art Show Link to be Shared
Highlights to include: Departmental and Special Awards
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
6:30 p.m., 5th Grade (Class of 2027) Continuation e-Ceremony
*From Your Living Room via Google Hangouts Meet
Highlights to Include: Journey Through Childhood Video, Longevity Awards, Teacher tribute to the Class of 2027, Musical Tribute, and Grade Progression for Pre-Kindergarten - 4th Grade. Celebration Bags: 5th Grade families will receive a celebration kit to elevate and accompany the virtual experience.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
10:00 - 11:15 a.m., Middle School Awards e-Assembly
*From Your Living Room via Google Hangouts Meet
Highlights to include: Kodiak Scholar Recognition and Departmental and Special Awards
8th Grade - Class of 202411:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 8th Grade (Class of 2024) Continuation e-Ceremony
Highlights to include: Journey Through Childhood Video, Longevity Awards, Advisor Speeches and 8th Grader Speeches, Musical Tribute, and Grade Progression for 6th and 7th Grade. Celebration Bags: 8th Grade families will receive a celebration kit to elevate and accompany the virtual experience.

7:00 p.m., Senior Tributes for the Class of 2020
*From Your Living Room via Google Hangouts Meet
Senior Art Show Link to be Shared
Highlights to include: An individual tribute to each senior in the Class of 2020 and Senior Tribute video.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m., Class of 2020 Diploma Ceremony
Livestreaming on Facebook
Highlights to include: An individual moment for each senior in the Class of 2020 to receive their diploma and mark this milestone on the Trianon Terrace. By appointment with seniors. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this event can not have an in-person general audience and seniors may only have five family members in attendance with them.
Celebrating the Class of 2020
Saturday, August 8, 2020
8:30 a.m., Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2020
In order to maintain the fullest traditions of Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2020,
plans are underway to host this event later this summer in hopes of local restrictions subsiding to include a greater group gathering.
*Join Links for the Google Hangouts Meet will be shared out in through the school’s email distribution.

Tech Recommendations for Your Living Room e-Ceremonies and e-Celebrations

  • Dress-up for these celebratory occasions.
  • Find a comfy spot on your couch or at your dining room table. Create a celebratory setting for your family.
  • Try to use one login per family in order for us to welcome as many guests as possible to the ceremonies.
  • Use your Chrome browser from a laptop/desktop.
  • Enable the Google Hangouts Meet with gridview extension (see video tutorial),
  • This step will allow you to see all the other faces on the video chat. Do this step ahead of time. If you enable the gridview during the meeting, it will remove you from the current hangout.
  • If you take screenshots during the e-Ceremonies, please click the gridview waffle and click, “Enable Screen Capture Mode” to protect privacy and remove name’s from tiles.
  • Bring extra chargers and power strips to stay fully charged!
  • In the event you have difficulty with your tech set-up, we will be recording the e-ceremonies and pushing out links to the video programs as a wrap-up from all the ceremonies.

Restrictions By Local Health Department and Officials

El Paso County Public Health has worked diligently to create variances for high school graduation ceremonies. Click here to read complete guidelines and restrictions we are required to follow.

  • Ceremonies should be held in a staggered manner as late into the spring or summer as possible to allow for the evaluation of current loosening of social distancing policies. * Written plans must include a fully virtual option in the event incoming data contraindicates hosting in-person ceremonies.
  • Ceremonies must be held outside with weather contingency plans of transition to virtual-only or tents. Indoor ceremonies are prohibited.
  • Ceremonies must be STUDENT ONLY with minimal staff required to manage students and flow of ceremonies.
  • All students and staff must meet six-foot social distancing at all times, including when entering and exiting the ceremony.
  • If outside facilities cannot accommodate the six-foot distancing, ceremonies must be held in the number of shifts necessary to allow for such distancing.
  • No parents, guests, or observers are allowed on-site. Ceremonies may be broadcast electronically for all viewers.
  • No associated social gatherings of students or staff are permitted at ceremony facilities prior to or following the ceremony.
  • All students and staff must wear cloth face coverings over the nose and mouth at all times, with the exception of individual photographs by an official photographer while social distancing from others.
  • A no-touch or no-contact procedure for receipt of the diploma must be implemented, such as presentation on a table by staff to be picked up by the student.
  • A permission slip or behavior contract must be signed by students and parents concerning risk mitigation. It must include a health screening survey that is completed the day of the ceremony and prior to entry, to include questions about fever, cough, congestion, chills, or other symptoms exhibited by the student or others in the household in the previous 14 days, with any positive answers resulting in exclusion of the student from participation in the ceremony.
  • Proposals to address students with special needs or who may require assistance must be included.
  • An inclusionary plan must be developed for families or students not wishing or not able to participate in person.

2020 e-Ceremonies and Celebrations at The Colorado Springs School
5th Grade - Class of 2027
8th Grade - Class of 2024
Celebrating the Class of 2020